Decreasing minting fees to 0.15%

I disagree with decreasing the fees to 0.15%, and would rather see us raise the fees to 0.3%.

I believe we can and should continue raising the fees until we have found a point where DN income is no longer increasing with each raise of the fees, as outlined in #RIP-000-003 and the effect of raising fees has maximized itself before exploring lower fees. This data collection is good for our network while being additionally beneficial in incentivizing node operators to join and secure the network. (more operators = better network).

As more competition enters the space there will be plenty of opportunities to lower the fees, but with some wind in our sail and more integration opportunities than we have developers, we should continue to price discover the value and safety RenVM brings to the marketplace.

As more liquidity-driven protocols discover RenVM’s value to their users and systems, we will discover how to charge the appropriate fees for this volume. We will also learn how some protocols volume will be more important to the network than others, so circling back to RFC-000-002, adding the most flexibility in controlling fees will enable our network to offer fee pricing that benefits the network and all parties.