RFC-000-031: Setting the initial BurnAndMint fee

Atm I’m sitting here and clicking through different routes on Synapse bridge and the more I click and count, the more I think that 0.1% BurnAndMint is a perfectly decent choice… will get back to you once I get some info in a presentable way, their bridge fees are confusing with both negative and positive slippage and weird high and fixed TX fees…

But one thing I’m certain of now is that even if we go with 0.05% fee we’ll be extremely competitive! But yeah, 0.1% and 0.075% are viable options as well.

I’ve been also thinking about Multichain (Anyswap) being “the leader” and you know that might be the case, but the gap might be A LOT smaller than what they’re showing in their stats. I mean some of their TXs are free, they operate in blockchains were TXs are nearly free as well… You get where I’m going with here?

Yeah, the volume is huge, but we don’t know how many people are making those TXs, how many unique, real users they have…

…what I’m saying is that I’m not sure there’s a need to go with free after all. Low? Definitely. Free? Not so sure now…