RFC-000-036: Ren 2.0

+1 to all the questions above. Core assumption for me is the community can and will create a correct model of incentives for subnet and DNOs. I have no worries here—we’ll hash it out once more info is available. As long as we keep DNO incentives a priority (DNO>subnet) in this kingdom, we good (and DNO are the endpoints so we are last mile gatekeepers in a way). The key is the sentence above about subnets having to compete in incentives for DNOs to participate in their subnet.

The bigger questions are more strategic and fundamental to the future of crypto interop apps and the market:

  • Are there other major multichain competitors taking a similar approach? (And if not, why?)
  • Do we have any defensible advantages? (With numerous multi chain players providing ‘good enough’ alternatives)
  • Do any assumptions change in a post ETH2 world?
  • Which assumptions can we test with Catalog? (Does it’s success or failure support or disprove any of our assumptions?)
  • Is there a demand for projects who actually want to build such subnets? Examples? (What other alternatives do they have vs our solution?)
  • Do we have the marketing and dev community building resources dedicated to make this happen? (“Build it and they will come” is not quite enough in the competitive landscape ahead)
  • Do we have a potential early core customer? (Ie powering the Alameda research empire, or a major defi platform that wants us to build this)