RFC-000-036: Ren 2.0

Thanks @BlockchainBard for your questions.

As a general disclaimer, the spec has not been finalized as we wanted to make sure the community was onboard before doing so, and some things might change between now and actual implementation depending on what features our community wants to see in the system. Will be answering your questions based on our current design.

  1. A Darknode can participate in a specific subnet by running a subnet node on a different instance, and is able to participate in any number of subnets (if the subnets allow it, based on the security assumptions of each subnet). So for a DN to participate in a subnet they have to run both a core Darknode and a subnet node, and the bond is used to protect both networks. A subnet can have an additional bonding requirement on top of the 100k REN staked to run the DN.

  2. Subnets have to pick them. For ex, any DN can join a queue to join a subnet, and every epoch the subnet validator selection logic picks nodes from the queue and the current nodes using some selection algorithm. This could be as simple as selecting random n nodes out of all interested participants, to creating a DN scoring algorithm that picks Darknodes based on how long they have been a part of the network/how many subnets they are currently running/etc. to guess how likely is this DN to try to cheat.

  3. This statement means that all the Ren subnets can bridge assets in and out of their subnet from any supported chain and pay the expected fees.

  4. The subnet gives validator rewards for all the subnet participants. The subnet would be charging tx fees from its users (as the subnet has full control on the fee model) and these fees go to the nodes participating in the subnet.

  5. Yep, anyone can build their own subnet following the Ren subnet requirements (which would be very lean), and ask Darknodes to participate in the subnet.

  6. This is already answered above – let me know if any extra clarification is required here.

  7. No, as the subnet sytem is built on top of the existing system, it will not impact or reduce the current security of Ren.

  8. The Darknodes can choose to opt out of a subnet, and the subnet halts and can be removed on the next epoch if it has no members. Even though this is conceptually possible, as in any other blockchain such as Ethereum, even if one miner is mining the blockchain can continue.