RFC-000-036: Ren 2.0

Max, hypothetically what are the pros and cons of focusing on decentralization first, getting the roadmap fairly complete, and then moving toward a more sophisticated protocol design? Is it impossible, or just extremely difficult? I understand attempting to perform a major system upgrade to a group or 2 groups of decentralized nodes while in custody of billions $$$ is not an easy or comfortable task but a clear picture of just how tough it is may help clarify for some.
Another issue I think that may be influencing others is confidence in this 12 month time frame. I for one, respectably, would not place a bet that this would be accomplished in that time, and it is a risk to lose any momentum we have for a better solution that could potentially, like we have already seen happen, present a number of unforeseen difficulties that pushes 12 months into 18 or 24 months.
So along with clarity on the difficulty to switch post-decentralization, clarity on the confidence you guys have that you can actually achieve a massive overhaul in a year or less. Is the bird in hand better than two in the bush? Perhaps the space has plenty of time for us to try, I don’t know.