RFC-000-036: Ren 2.0

Thanks @MaxRoszko for the RFC, very nice update and the subnet approach totally makes sense to me.

One thing that I think should be further clarified:

In my understanding the core layer would expose only a few operations to users/subnets, such as:

  • lock (deposit asset from native chain into renvm custody)
  • mint (mint ren asset on a chain while keeping underlying in renvm custody)
  • burn (burn ren asset on a chain while keeping underlying in renvm custody)
  • burn&mint (switch ren asset’s chain while keeping underlying in renvm custody)
  • release (withdraw asset from renvm custody back to native chain)
  • transfer (move asset between renvm accounts)

Is that a correct understanding of the main layer ‘minimal’ capability? Any major operation missing?
Given above list of operations, currently only mint/burns currently have fees… however some subnets like Catalog do not require mint/burns, mostly lock and release, would it make sense to update fee model as soon the full list of core operations is confirmed?