RIP-000-006: Increase the initial fees for new host chains

I support this proposal.

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I am against this proposal. What are we gaining by increasing the fees?

RenVM should be trying to cement itself as the top interoperability solution, keeping the fees low will hopefully encourage further growth. We shouldnā€™t be acting like the battle has been won.

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Strong support. I think there is even a case to be made for 0.20% as the base fee.

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Agree, unless we can adjust fees when recognizing cross chain transactions

The vote is up! Darknode operators, please do your civic duty and voice your opinions :ballot_box: : Snapshot


Thanks, Max. On balance, I would prefer to keep mint and burn fees at 0.10% for new host chains - mainly because I think it makes sense to establish a floor from which fees can be increased in future once RenVM has built up its network effects within each host chain environment. Iā€™d rather see what unbridled adoption is like at the outset, before experimenting with fee increases later (as we did with minting and burning renBTC through the RenBridge).

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Having been so hard the experience of trying to lower the fees after the raise, my vote is against. If the consensus were to set all mint fees at 0.15% including renAssets in Ethereum, my vote would be different because I believe that we must go towards a standard of commissions and offer certainty and stability to the user in this regard.

If one of RENVMā€™s greatest aspirations is to act as a link between the traditional financial system and crypto, we cannot consider gas dynamics, for example, as a model to follow with our commissions (dynamic fees per case).

Certainties, network effect, stability. Against this time, while thanking you for a new proposal.

I believe the feeling of missing out in gains is strong when we compare our fees with the gains in liquidity mining programs which is the point of this proposal. However this seems to focus on a short term view and not on the long term game which is to make new chains successful from the beginning or at least give them the best opportunities to be. I am worried we may not be providing this to our clients.

I will support this proposal now mainly because I do not think 0.05% will make much of a difference however I believe we should monitor closely the effect on new and existing chains.


I support the proposal.

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In favor, governance can always adjust later. We have seen BSC launch with 0.1, will be interesting to see if there is a difference when launching with slightly higher (0.15)

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The results are in:

Most voted Yes :white_check_mark:


We will be implementing this new default fee structure shortly.

It does not affect the fees on Ethereum or BSC currently, for that to change someone has to propose that through a RIP.