RFC-000-016: Launch a Community Ecosystem Fund

Great summary @MaxRoszko, I am in support of this RFC and further agree with:

  • DN Operators have a prioritized and or weighted vote in how funds are allocated.

  • I am in favor of a larger 10-25% of rewards going towards grants and incentivizing development using RenVM.

  • If Alameda is running nodes, and is Greycore I think they should be able to get a vote, like any DN holder, being a DN holder come with governance rights, and this should hold value. I also believe given their position and ability to invest capital that Alameda Research should match any investment the RenVM community backs, to further incentivize projects and development growth that align for all parties.

  • Could name it anything, no comment

  • a Committee should run the Fund and should be nominated, would personally like to get involved in this capacity if the community would be in support of such.

  • A framework should be set up, we can review and analyze other successful programs like BadgerDAO, and mimic and steal the best and most successful practices.

Cheers to the team for the progress and concept, I am very much in support, and can’t wait to see what great projects and concepts stem from this investment.

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