As I read the thread for this RPF, I think we are down to the following three options:
Darknode bond increases to 118K. Only darknodes registered at the vote of RIP-018, and are registered prior to the activation of 2.0 (either continually registered or de-registered and re-registered), will receive the 18K airdrop, which will be subject to a 26 epoch (approx. 2 year) vesting period.
Darknode bond increases to 118K. Any darknode registered prior to the activation of 2.0 (whether registered at the time of the RIP-018 vote or not), will receive the 18K airdrop, which will be subject to a 26 epoch vesting period. The maximum number of darknodes receiving the airdrop is limited to 2000, and all darknodes registered at the time of the vote or earlier will have priority in receiving the airdrop.
Darknode bond stays at 100K and max (non-treasury) nodes of 10,000 is coded in.
I think options 1 and 2 represent those arguing that this is consistent with RIP-018 and the way they voted and option 3 represents the other camp. Rather than add another option that keeps the bond at 100K and increases the max number of nodes, I think it is cleaner to only allow more than 10,000 nodes if they are treasury nodes for the benefit of everyone. Of course, keeping a tax system or using treasury nodes would still need to be voted on, and more people may want to stay with the tax system, but this would allow that vote to take place without needing to amend the wording of an earlier RIP (which many seem to be objecting to).
If you agree, my offer still stands to help write up the RIP.