RFC-000-054 expedite the process of adding additional directors to the foundation before critical decisions are made

Just to clarify, RIP-000-018 mandates the minting of 180 million new REN tokens, the vast majority of which will go to the Ren Foundation, currently controlled by one person.

Doing some rough math, the total going to the Foundation would be around 144 million REN (probably even more, as there are no longer 2000 registered darknodes). 144 million REN = 11.2 million USD at today’s prices.

RIP-018 states the following:

It is proposed that the tokens minted to the Ren Foundation are not locked, to give the Foundation the flexibility to impose lockups when it is doing fundraising or grant payouts with the community’s best interest in mind. It is, however, recommended that the Foundation imposes lockup conditions on all allocations, whether to darknodes, investors, or the development team.

Do you really think it’s a good idea to hand over 11.2 million USD in tokens to one person with zero restrictions on how those tokens can be used? I would call that community governance malpractice. Are there no other community members within this entire project that can serve with David as Directors to provide assistance and oversight?

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