RIP-000-002: Increase mint fee to 0.3% on November 16th (start of Epoch 6)

This RIP is being rejected, mainly for structural reasons. It has the wrong status, it offers no timeline for when the next vote should occur for re-adjusting the fee (not necessarily bad, but it is when the RIP explicitly discusses a future re-adjustment), it offers conditions for raising again to 0.4% and lowering to 0.2% but also suggests an un-detailed and conflicting path for keeping fees at 0.3%, and it offers no details into the implementation. Please review About the Ren Improvement Proposals | RIP category. This post, as-is, would have been more suited to an RFC so that the above details could be worked through and modified over the course of the discussion.

It is also reasonably clear from this post, however, that increasing the mint fee is generally seen as favourable. Although, many have advocated for a slightly lower increase, and I feel inclined to agree (although I would rather an increase to 0.3% over no increase). An alternative has been proposed in RIP-000-003.