About the Developers category

A one-stop-shop for all Ren Integrations questions | RenJS

Add your Blockchain to Ren via MultiChain :chains:

:point_down: Core Dev Documentation :point_down:

Ren Technical Overview (Wiki)

  1. RenJS (SDK)
    GitHub - renproject/ren-js: RenJS - the official JavaScript library for interacting with RenVM

  2. GatewayJS (SDK)
    GitHub - renproject/ren-js: RenJS - the official JavaScript library for interacting with RenVM

  3. CaaS & GaaS
    GitHub - renproject/interoperability-examples

  4. Ren Developer Tutorials
    Welcome - Developers

Smart Contracts :bookmark_tabs:




dApps built with Ren SDKs
RenBridge | GatewayJS: https://bridge.renproject.io/
Curve Finance | RenJS: Curve.fi
Curve Finance | RenJS: Curve.fi
WBTC.Cafe | RenJS: https://wbtc.cafe/

Ren Network Stats | Command Center: https://mainnet.renproject.io/

Hackathon Winners | June 2020 :computer::control_knobs::computer:

  1. GitHub - TSnark/btc-2-private-eth
  2. GitHub - pmprete/renvm-hackaton: BTC to Kovan
  3. GitHub - AksaraWorks/btcswap: BtcSwap WebApp