RFC-000-046: Transitioning to Ren 2.0

My take on this might seem controversial at first and it is to increase the supply even more, but please bear with me as I explain where I’m coming from.

My line of thinking comes from these 3 postulates:

  1. Darknode Operators are ESSENTIAL part of the Ren 2.0 ecosystem and they SHOULD NOT be diluted, penalized and what not.
  2. We are going to have burning mechanisms implemented, that are eventually going to offset the effects of inflation.
  3. Inflation does not matter in a truly successful project and if a project is not successful, than it also does not matter, inflation or no inflation.

So what I propose is that in addition to what this RFC suggests, we mint say 12.5% more REN (exact numbers are to be discussed, of course) and allocate it to Darknode Operators under special conditions that I think are fair and long term oriented:

  • In order to qualify for this incentive, DNOs would need to run their nodes on Ren 2.0 for one year. Meaning there would be a 1 year cliff for the first 12 months of incentives.
  • The rest would be vested monthly over 1-3 years under the condition, that they’re still operating nodes.

The benefits of this are twofold:

  1. Incentivize node running and guarantee an impressive level of decentralization for Ren 2.0 from the very start.
  2. Offset the dilution from core members of the ecosystem.

A lot of intricacies can and should be discussed, like exact numbers, whether new node operators are to be accepted in this incentive program, if yes than how, should there be a different allocation depending on the DN age, option to introduce auto-staking of these incentives (perhaps through Ren Base?) and much more…

But for now, I’m very interested to see if the general line of thinking above makes sense to the community and what they think of it.

Thank you!