10 February 2023 - Foundation Setup payment #01

On 10 February 2023 the Yield Ops executed a transfer in accordance with RIP-020 to finance the Ren Foundation incorporation. The transfer was made to Ethereum address 0x1B872B71c18D3907FA4ab1c1D1cCBAe94b0bB95B to Jonathan Turnham at the Travers Thorp Alberga firm and amounted to a total of 39,225.98 USDC. This includes a $20k retainer and additional $19,225.98 to cover the initial establishment costs for 2023 including estimated government fees, paralegal incorporation fee, disbursements, and registered office fees for 2023.

Refer to tx 0xbd11e2796ad7493bdd8e5c5c8cfd7be6df4cbeca769a345b4765f4e4565721df

To satisfy this payment we withdrew ~$12k worth of CRV and CVX rewards, and withdrew an additional ~$27k worth of tricrypto2 from Convex. All of this was swapped to USDC. See multi-sig activity for all the transfers.

About $213k remains in the CEF, see zapper bundle.