10 March 2023 - RGP-003 Marketing Grant second installment

On the 10th of March the Yield Ops transferred the second installment of the grant in accordance with RGP-003 to the Marketing Group operated by @cowboy. Please see RGP-003 for details on the grant, and for progress towards the KPIs defined in the grant proposal see their latest update.

The second installments totals 23k USD and has been transferred to Ethereum address 0xff7565889E029b729d59C04A2651C569F9883E54, refer to transaction. This fulfills the grant disbursements.

To satisfy this payment, we withdrew tricrypto2 from Convex and converted this to USDT. See multi-sig activity for all the transfers.

At time of writing, about $181k remains in the CEF, see zapper bundle .

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