1- Are dark pools still one of our main goals? if yes, in which phase we will build it? is it going to be in-house software?
2- Once our Darknodes become in SGX environments, is the regulation of TVL:TVB ratio will be ignored? if yes When do we expect this since we have successfully run Darknodes in local SGX environments (based on the May development update)?
3- Since we have the option to make REN is the fuel token for the smart-contracts inside RenVM, Whats the dangers of this model? What could go wrong? Why we could choose another option is that you pay in whatever token you want?
I won’t be able to attend sorry too late for me. Could you please ask whether is there an specific goal the team have in mind for the TVL:TVB ratio? Is there a particular value in where they feel more confident or where there is less risk?