Marketing Proposals | Greycore & Host-to-host

Agree with both of these (also really like this proposal format!)

Videos - Segments showcasing an different, new cross-chain opportunity and performing an end to end demonstration of how to get in and out using popular crypto wallets

Makes me immediately jump to Solana’s efforts to make understanding POH and TowerBFT easily digestible ( Short, well-done videos that are easy for people to understand and share seem like a fantastic way to spread education (rather than leaning on more technical documentation/blogs)

Attend Crypto Events physically or virtually with Ren branded marketing materials outlining benefits to integration with RenVM

Additionally, we should lump the common “leverage the community fund to incentivize integrations” with this (probably a good time to revisit Brainstorm ideas for Darknode Community Fund - #51 by WesleyDunow and start to settle on 1-3 ideas that we want to commit to)