Yes the KPI will need to be fine tuned, it was a difficult task to write these without knowing what the community might be willing to go for at this time. We wanted to get the proposal out there and get some comments, and from here we can get more specific for the RIP.
I will say that ads can start right away. While the first three months may be more about testing different ad platforms, we can piggyback off of the work that RenLabs is doing. For example in my personal tests so far I took a tweet on the official REN Twitter ( @renprotocol )
And I used the copywriting here to make a simple keyword search ad
Something like this allows us to amplify existing branding and not reinvent the wheel. In this particular case I would maybe not chose to continue with this particular ad, as we don’t have much h2h liquidity as of yet, but overall this ad is timeless, at a glance lets users know what we do, and links to our primary transaction portal, renbridge.
So yes spinning up the branding for renDAO (as a distinct entity) will take some time, and I agree we can get more specific with the KPI, but just to be clear we can begin the ad campaign for REN immediately upon funding.